Your stuff: Use it!
So I am thinking of putting myself on a ‘stuff diet’. (I know, this is really not a new idea, I have even done it in the past for books. But I have reasons for doing it now…) First of all, Christmas is coming, and who couldn’t use the extra money from what would be save from buying supplies? Second, I have a lot of stuff (don’t well all? Kinda stating the obvious here right?) But as I have blogged about before [link[], I am in the process of moving my workspace, if very slowly. And there is nothing like having to move all your stuff for you to realize how much there really is! And I do have many hobbies… so I have a lot of painting stuff, a lot of card making stuff, a lot of mini stuff, a lot of book binding stuff (are you getting the picture?)
So I thought of 2 ways to make this fun… first, I thought I would challenge myself every week. A week for cards, a week of art journaling, a week for maybe altering something, ect.
And second, it would be fun to have someone in on this ride with me. If it is one person, or 500, it would be fun to say ‘look what I made this week, and look what I used!’
And I will probably have rules. Like if you run out of glue you need for a project, go buy it. Or ATG tape. Or the like.
If you run out of card stock, tough toenails! Pick a complementary color. Run out of red paint? Tough, use nail polish. Run out of binding twine? Tough. Use dental floss. Brads? Use pipe cleaner. Copic run dry? Use your kids Crayola. You get the picture. Fact is, there is always SOMETHING in the house that can be used.
And the other bonus is it fits in well with some of the classes I am taking….
So… am I doing this by myself, or is there anyone out there who would like to join me on this crazy ride?
Please leave a comment =D
Filed under: your stuff... use it Tagged: art, cards, challenge, crazy ride, journal, september, your stuff use it