I had really good intentions of only slowing down a bit this summer, not stopping completely. But you know what happens with good intentions, don’t you? Yeah. So, I have a bit of a plan. A new plan. I have been making many cards this summer. Some I have shared in various stages on twitter, tumbler, and instagram, and some I haven’t. So I think I will do a series, and write a whole bunch of posts at once. Then if I sent them to publish one a day, it could be the best of both worlds. Then I will just have to remember to come back when I run out of posts! lol So, without further ado, my first card…
This card is copied of one that Jessie Banks made on a Ustream one night. Given to my uncle for his birthday.
Filed under: card making Tagged: birthdaycard, card, cardmaking, cards, good intentions, happybirthday, male, men